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- Admissions/Withdrawals
- 1.To ensure the existence and promotion of an ethos which delivers social justice through mutual respect and tolerance of, and for each other, leading to self enrichment gained from understanding differences embraced within our community.
- 2.New Pupils must be introduced personally by the parents or guardians, who will be responsible for their regularity, fees, etc.,
- 3.On admission, the entrance fee, the school fee and the Annual fee should be paid on the prescribed date. Otherwise the candidate will forfeit the seat.
Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- 4.A week's notice in writing is required for the withdrawl of a pupil.
The requisition should be made by the parent of the student or the guardian in exceptional cases.
- 5.Parents applying for Transfer Certificate must send the requisition letter before the last day of February of the academic year, failing which they must pay 10% fees of the ensuing academic year to be able to get the Transfer Certificate. All the applications received after 25th March, will be attended to only after the first week of June.
- 6.After leaving the school, students who wish to apply for any kind of certificate (viz. mark sheet, conduct certificate etc.,) must send a requisition letter.
- 7.Transfer certificate will be given only to those who have paid all their fees, returned library books and settled all other dues.
- 8.The school authorities reserve the right to refuse admission to any pupil by assigning some reason.
They also reserve the right of allowing the continuance of any pupil whose conduct in their opinion is not satisfactory.
- 9.Parents are requested to instruct their drivers to observe the traffic regulations near the school and to obey the instructions given by the Road Safety Patrol Volunteers, so as to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic, to ensure the safety of the pupils.
- 10.The Test / Assessment marks must be recorded in this hand book.
The aggregate of the above will be taken into consideration for promotion.
- 11.Promotions are decided at the Teachers' Council and hence the Results are Final and cannot be re-considered under any circumstances. Parents are requested not to approach either the Class Teacher or any other school authority with such requests.
Violation of this rule will be seriously dealt with.