
Examination System

CBSE New Pattern Assessment

  • 1. Assessment Parameters
  • 2. Examination Pattern and Weight-age

    Assessment parameters

    The CBSE new pattern guidelines throws light on the assessment parameters for evaluation of the student’s performance.
  • For scholastic performances, the board awards both grades and marks on individual subjects.
  • For co-scholastic performances, the board awards grades to the students under three categories – Prevocational education, health and physical education, and art education.
  • As a third category, discipline in the school campus is awarded as grades. The evaluation category involves discipline with respect of behaviour, ethics and values, sincerity, and attendance.

    Examination Pattern and Weight-age

    The pattern of examination changes periodically by the board. The CBSE new pattern marks the following changes in the same. The assessment pattern of Class 10 applies to the Class 9 by the CBSE board. The CBSE new pattern of class 9 examination has been changed to a year end exam. Each subject has a total of 100 marks, where 80 marks is assigned toward written examination and 20 marks as internal assessment. The internal assessment marks has three disciplines,
    • 10 marks periodic tests
    • 5 marks for notebook submission and
    • 5 marks for enrichment activity of all subjects
    There are no changes in the assessment format for Classes 6 to 8. Yet, the CBSE new pattern has made changes in the number of term exams. Students from classes 6 to 8 have to appear twice in term exams.
    • The board conducts exam at the end of each term
    • The exam is set based on the syllabus covered during each terms
    • For term 2 exam, it includes a percentage of questions from term 1 syllabus

    A. Remodeled assessment structure effective from the Academic Year 2017-18 for Class X
    1. Scholastic Area


    80 Marks (Board

    20 Marks (Internal Assessment) Student


    Examination) Student

    has to secure 33% marks out of overall 20 marks


    has to secure 33%

    earmarked in each subject




    marks out of 80 marks






    Periodic Test




    in each subject


    (10 Marks)

    Submission  (5














    (5 Marks)







    Language 1

    Board will conduct

    This will cover:

    This will cover:

    Speaking and


    Class – X Examination

    Periodic written Test,



    listening skills


    for 80 marks in each

    restricted to three in





    Speaking and


    subject covering 100%

    each subject in an



    listening skills

    Language 2



    syllabus of the subject

    Academic Year.


    Neatness &



    Practical Lab


    of Class – X only.

    Average of the best


    upkeep of




    Marks and Grades both

    two tests to be taken








    Maths Lab


    will be awarded for

    for final marks








    individuals subjects.







    9 – point grading will




    Map work and


    be same as followed by




    project work


    the Board in Class XII.





    Social Science











    6th Additional

    Scheme of studies for 6th additional subject is detailed in Annexure- I


    Note: In case student opts a language as 6th additional subject the modalities


    defined for Language 1 and 2 shall be followed




    (i) Periodic Test (10 marks): The school should conduct three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken. The schools have the autonomy to make its own schedule. However, for the purpose of gradient learning, three tests may be held as one being the mid-term test and other the two being pre mid and post mid-term with portion of syllabus cumulatively covered. The gradually increasing portion of contents would prepare students acquire confidence for appearing in the Board examination with 100% syllabus. The school will take the average of the best two tests for final marks submission.

    (ii) Notebook Submission (5 marks): Notebook submission as a part of internal assessment is aimed at enhancing seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep.

    (iii) Subject Enrichment Activities (5 marks): These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development. These activities are to be recorded internally by respective subject teachers. For Languages: Activities conducted for subject enrichment in languages should aim at equipping the learner to develop effective speaking and listening skills.

    For Mathematics: The listed laboratory activities and projects as given in the prescribed publication of CBSE/NCERT may be followed.

    For Science: The listed practical works/activities may be carried out as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.

    2. Co-Scholastic Activities: Schools should promote co-curricular activities for the holistic development of the student. These activities will be graced on a 5 – point grading scale (A to E) and will have no descriptive indicators. No up scaling of grades will be done.


    To be graded on a 5-point

    Areas and Objectives (as


    scale (A-E) in school

    prescribed in the Scheme of



    studies for subjects of



    Internal Assessment)

    Work Education or Pre-

    By the concerned Teacher

    Work education is a distinct

    Vocational Education


    curricular area for students for



    participation in social,



    economic and welfare



    activities. Student gets a sense



    of community service and



    develops self-reliance. (for Pre-



    Vocational Education as per



    scheme of studies)

    Art Education

    By the VA/PA the concerned

    Art Education constitutes an



    important areas of curricular



    activity for development of



    wholesome personality of



    the students. Students will



    select one or more forms of



    creative arts.

    Health & Physical Education

    By the PE Teacher

    Health & Physical Activity



    preferably sports must be

    Arts/Yoga/NCC etc..)


    given a regular period.



    Students should be provided



    opportunities to get



    professionally trained in the



    area of their interest.



    Indigenous sports, yoga and



    NCC must be encouraged in the



    schools creating a sense of



    physical fitness, discipline,



    sportsmanship, patriotism,



    self-sacrifice and health care.

    3. Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values):
    Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character, Sincerity, good behavior and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced class teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five-point scale (A to E).

    The internal assessment comprising 20 marks (10+5+5) entails objectivity and a structured approach. For a holistic assessment, the teachers are expected to make it an effective tool.

    B. Documentation:
    Records pertaining to the internal assessment of the students done by the schools will be maintained for a period of three months from the date of declaration of result for verification at the discretion of the Board. Subjudiced cases, if any or those involving RTI/Grievance may however be retained beyond three months.

    Additional Subjects:


    Total 100 Marks



    (Syllabus for assessment will be only Class –X)


    Board Examination

    Internal Assessment


    Student has to secure 33%

    Student has to secure 33%


    marks out of marks earmarked

    marks out of the marks


    in each subject covering 100%

    earmarked in each subject


    syllabus of the subject



    Modalities defined as in case of Languages 1 and 2 are to be




    Home Science

    Board Class – X Examination

    Practical Examination 25


    for 75 marks



    Board Class – X Examination

    Practical Examination 60


    for 40 marks


    Elements of Business

    Board Class – X Examination



    for 100 marks


    Elements of Book – keeping

    Board Class – X Examination


    and Accountancy

    for 100 marks


    e-publishing & e-office English

    Board Class – X Examination

    Practical Examination 70

    or Hindi

    for 30 marks



    Board Class – X Examination



    for 100 marks


    Carnatic Music

    Board Class – X Examination

    Practical Examination 75


    for 25 marks


    Hindustani Music

    Board Class – X Examination

    Practical Examination 75


    for 25 marks



    Board Class – X Examination

    Annual Training Camp 30


    for 70 marks


  • Student opting for a language, as the 6th additional subject will follow the modalities defined as in case of Languages 1 and 2 in the main circular.
  • Practical examination in Hindustani Music (75 marks). Carnatic Music (75 marks), Home Science (25 marks), FIT/ICT (60 marks), e-publishing & e-office English or Hindi – as one of the optional under Commerce (70 marks), will be conducted by the schools and marks will be reported to the Board. For further details about options available and breakup of marks please refer to the syllabi of the discipline concerned in the Secondary curriculum document 2017-18.

  • Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas (Classes VI – VIII)

    Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas (Class IX)

    (School will award grades as per the following grading scale)

    (School will award grades as per the following

    Marks Range


    grading scale)




    Marks Range


























    32 & below

    E (Needs Improvement)





    32 below

    E (Failed)

    For Parents

  • Take part in the orientation sessions of your child’s school without fail. If not possible, periodically interact with your child’s teacher and school management to stay updated.
  • Support and encourage your child by detailing the positive elements of the CBSE new pattern. While the child may easy clear the high school, it becomes difficult in higher classes. Highlight the fact that the CBSE new pattern is likely to prepare them for rigorous academics, which prevents them from future sufferings.
  • Develop the habit of daily study. Say a big NO to procrastination.
  • Monitor the performance of your child. Mere academics performance is not enough. You should focus on co-scholastic and disciplinary areas to.
  • Talk and discuss with the teachers to evaluate the progress.