To ensure the existence and promotion of an ethos which delivers social justice through mutual respect and tolerance of, and for each other, leading to self enrichment gained from understanding differences embraced within our community.
To provide the opportunity for every student to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and understanding that will prepare them for their chosen path into, and through adult life, able to accept fully that every right has, in equal measure, an associated responsibility.
To create and sustain an environment that empowers every member of the school staff to operate as effectively as possible, able to rely upon the support of sound and strategic leadership and management.
To promote creativity, flair, imagination and expression within the curriculum and beyond, in such a way as to encourage every member of the school community to explore their own potential in a motivated, responsive and aspirational manner.
To work in partnership with our parents through effective communication and transfer of information in such a way that will facilitate mutual support, and ultimately, the development of every individual to the full.
To promote successful, enthusiastic and inspirational teaching and learning within the context of a balanced curriculum.
To continue to improve existing and when required develop new accommodation, systems and facilities; and thereby provide a safe, well-maintained and effectively used environment for pupils and staff.
To promote respect and tolerance for the individual and for individuality, develop independent thinking and learning for all pupils, encourage individual passions and enthusiasms both curricular and co-curricular, and endeavor to treat the girls within the School as individuals.
To develop within the School community as a whole, qualities of leadership, creativity, appropriate risk-taking, and responsiveness to changes and challenges.
To encourage the widest possible participation in sports and co-curricular activities.
In thinking about how our ideas and plans might match up to our aims, we should be guided by the challenge
For any decision either to change or maintain the status quo, we should ask: “In what respects will this improve or enhance the quality of education for the pupils in the School now and for the pupils yet to join us?”