Parents and students must read and familiarise themselves with the rules and procedures of the school and extend wholesome co-operation.
- 1.Every pupil must possess a School Diary which must be brought to School daily.
- 2.Each pupil is assigned a unique student number (Admn. No.) for identity & easy reference. The number is permanent unlike the roll number which may / may not change every year. This number has to figure in all the correspondence to the school.
- 3.Pupils must be in the school premises at least 10 minutes before the first bell.
- 4.(a). It is compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full school uniform.
Pupils not in complete uniform/coming late to school, will not be allowed to attend the class without an explanation letter signed by the parent, and on the days tests are conducted, he/she will lose marks in that subject.
- If a student is not in proper uniform for the third time barring examination period, he/she will be retained in school from 3.45 to 4.15 p.m. and will have to write assignments.
- In case of repeated irregularity a warning slip will be issued and parents will have to meet the Principal.
- Students must be in school uniform whenever they enter the school premises (special classes, cultural academy classes, annual day rehearsals, competitions, open days etc.)
- (b). Buttons and zips should be properly maintained and the use of safety pins in their places is discouraged altogether.
- Deep Necklines are prohibited. Comfort & decency must be maintained.
- (c). White Canvas shoes should be regularly cleaned and polished.
- (d). Students must keep their hair tidy, neat and well combed. Girls having long hair should plait their hair properly and use only black ribbons for tying the hair. They must not let their hair loose beyond shoulder level. They must not wear fancy, colourful, hair clips, ear rings or ear drops.
- 5.(a). It is compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full school uniform.
(b). Nails should be trimmed regularly and applying of nail polish is not allowed.
- 6. All pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their misbehaviour outside the school too.
- 7.(a). Pupils are responsible for their books and belongings.
(b).Students are not allowed to wear valuables in the interest of their safety.
- 8.Note books for the pupil's use in the school must be bought from the school Book Depot only
- 9.Students are strictly forbidden from bringing transistors, cell phones or cameras to the class. Bringing any other expensive items (e.g. CDs, I-pods, pen drive, MP3 Player etc.) or any sort of comics, games, cards, or objectionable literature to the school may lead to dismissal from the school.
Distribution of Gifts / eatables by parents to other children, at the schools, on the birthday of their wards is prohibited.
- Cutting of cake is also not permitted on birthdays.
- 10.Pupils are expected to take part in all the co-curricular activities of the school as part of civic training. Absenting himself/herself from any competition or talent test is discouraged and will be viewed seriously.
- 11.Every pupil must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit by the doctor and exempted by the Principal.
- 12.No pupil suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall be allowed to attend school. Medical Certificate and Fitness Certificate must be produced at the time of rejoining.
- 13.Cash collection by pupils for any purpose, whatsoever, require the prior sanction of the school authorities.
- 14.Only English must be spoken in the school premises to acquire fluency in the language. Parents are requested to encourage their children to speak in English at home also
- 15.Any communication (request or complaint) made by the parents should be addressed to the Principal.
- 16.Parents and Guardians are not allowed to see the children or meet the teachers during class hours without prior permission from the Principal.
- 17.Parents must obtain prior permission from the school authorities to take photographs / video pictures of any school activity.
- 18.Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the school by enforcing Regularity, Punctuality and Discipline and by taking interest in their children's progress.
Parents should check the Diary daily and take note of the Home work given and see that the Home Work is done before their wards are sent to school the next day.
- 19.Reports which are sent to the parents from time to time should be duly signed, taken note of, and returned to the school promptly, failing which, the pupil will not be admitted into class. For alternate exams parents have to come in person and receive the reports on the day fixed as 'Open Day'.
- 20.If the project works are not submitted from time to time on the dates specified by the respective teachers, the student will not be allowed to perform the next experiment and may even be stopped from taking the summative assessment / semester exam.
It is imperative that the student is regular in submitting the practical record books/project work in Science, Maths and Social Science to the teacher concerned.
- Students should take their Practical Examinations only on the days specified.
- No separate test will be conducted for the absentees.
- 21.For Stds I to VI, 4 Formative assessments are held along with summative assessments.
- 22.A record of the address and telephone number of the parents/guardians is maintained in the school office. Any change of address/telephone number, E-mail should be communicated without delay in written. The Admin. No. should be quoted along with it.
- 23.Irregular attendance, absence without prior leave application, insubordination to teachers and any kind of cheating or serious misconduct or any habit or behaviour objectionable to the good tone of the school are sufficient reasons for punishment, suspension or even dismissal from school.
- 24.(a) Students seeking the Principal for bus concessions, library cards, bonafide certificates, reimbursement of fees, etc., should do so sufficiently well in advance.
(b) Request for bonafide letters must reach the school office well in advance. Last minute requests will not be entertained.
- 25.If any circular is issued with a Tear-off slip, it should be returned duly signed by the parent/guardian to the class teacher the next day.
Penalty will be collected for the late submission of the tear-off slip.
- Duplicate of any circular will be issued only on payment of Rs.2/-
26.Parents must obtain prior permission to send their wards for any cultural / media event which does not form a part of the school activity.